

Product is, a company that develop and releases Hardware, Middleware, Operating system, Languages, Tools etc are becomes the product. They develop the products for global clients i.e. there are no specific clients for them. Here the requirements are gathered from market and analyze that with some experts and start to develop the product. After developing the products they try to market it as a solution. Here the end users are more than one. Product development is never ending process and customization is possible.

Project is finding solution to a particular problem to a particular client. It depends on the product. By using the products like Hardware, Middleware, Operating system, Languages and Tools only we will develop a project. Here the requirements are gathered from the client and analyze with that client and start to develop the project. Here the end user is one.

Project--Placing the order before manufacturing process
Product--Placing the order after manufacturing process

1 Here the requirements are gathered from market survey.
2 Develop the application for Global clients
3 Products are depends on products
4 End users are more than one
5 Never ending process
1 Here the requirements are gathered from particular client
2 Develop the application for particular client
3 Projects are depends on products
4 End user is one
5 Once developed it will be finished

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